Vestoj is a research platform and the leading public intellectual in the field of fashion. Founded in 2009 by the editor-in-chief and publisher Anja Aronowsky Cronberg. Today it is published under the patronage of London College of Fashion, where she also works as a Senior Research Fellow in Fashion Theory and Practice.
Vestoj presents fashion knowledge at the highest level, emphasising inclusive and equitable dissemination to a broad and diverse audience. Vestoj expresses complex ideas in a straight-forward manner, and shows that fashion is not only about objects, but rather a mindset and approach to identity, culture and life.
Vestoj offers publishing, events, broadcasting, educational programs to academia, business and the community sector in order to create new ideas, new knowledge and new opportunities. Vestoj’s emphasis on storytelling and original thought draws on history, philosophy, sociology, and personal narrative to give a balanced take on why we wear what we wear, and its deliberate pace and style stands in considered contrast to mainstream fashion content.
We offer for sale 3 everywhere sold out issues:
Vestoj Magazine – Issue 6: ON FAILURE
In a society that venerates success, few things are as alarming as the prospect of failure. The thought of failure is compelling though, irresistible even, perhaps both because it offers us a chance to empathise but also because it allows us to look at those who have failed and feel better about ourselves. Failure scares us as much as it fascinates us. We have all suffered from it, in one way or another, and we all will again.
With this issue we’d like to explore whether designers can ever speak candidly about their work in a market where they are not only artists, but also peddlers of a product.
Vestoj Magazine – Issue 8: ON AUTHENTICITY
In consumer capitalism authenticity has taken on a supreme importance: in fashion it’s the holy grail. Terms like ‘artisanal,’ ‘heritage,’ ‘craftsmanship’ and ‘storytelling’ have become buzzwords, and conglomerates are fond of referring to their offices as ‘campus’ and co-workers as ‘family.’
But what are we getting at when associating these terms with fashion?
Vestoj Magazine – Issue 9: ON CAPITAL
Vestoj On Capital looks at all forms of value or assets: financial, human, cultural, social – you name it. We explore how talent is developed and harnessed in fashion, and how this now intersects with branding (and self-branding) which has become so important in all aspects of culture. The issue also examines how value flows between symbolic assets like taste or beauty or cool and economic profit. And how the traditional schism between cultural and financial capital (cool versus money) has been replaced by a much more self-consciously positive – or nuanced and complex – relationship between art and fashion.
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